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Parent Teacher Association

A vibrant PTA plays an important role in an institution and can contribute greatly to improving facilities and providing opportunities for the pupils.

Parents are invited to take an active part and play a healthy and constructive role in the PTA

Parents must understand that PTA may have many suggestions but it should be addressed in the proper forum and manner. However the decision rests with the School Managing Committee to accept or implement the suggestions.

Proper decorum must be maintained at PTA meetings and respect for all present is imperative through one's verbal expressions and behaviour.

1. Objective:

  • To establish and maintain rapport between the parents/ guardians of the students and the teachers and staff of the school.
  • To provide a forum for expressing the views of its members.
  • To assist the school authorities in identifying the areas and objects which need immediate attention and to suggest improvements, where necessary.
  • To organise fund raising activities by itself or jointly with the school authorities.

2. Membership and fees:

  • Every Parent/Guardian of students is a member of the PTA The teachers of the school are exofficio members of the PTA
  • A sum of Rs. 200/- per parent will be charged from the parents which will be payable annually.

3. General Body Meeting:

The PTA shall have a General Body Meeting at least once a year.

4. Suggestions:

The parents can give their suggestions to the Secretary or Principal.